Sunday, November 20, 2011


"One friend, one person who is truly understanding, who takes the trouble to listen to us as we consider a problem, can change our whole outlook on the world."
--President Uchtdorf

         Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every person you meet has potential to be a friend. Friends believe in you: in your capacity to do great things. But, it all starts inside. It grows and develops with each precious moment of your life.
         I so often think to myself, ”Who am I to try? Who am I to be intelligent, stunning, clever, or remarkable?” I then must remind myself, “It’s my duty to try. It’s up to me to decide what to be. I was born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within me.” When you shine, you automatically liberate others to follow suit.
         Believe in yourself. Believe in your potential. Believe in your capabilities to do great and amazing things. Believe that a miracle lies within your spirit, within your heart.  Believe in the aptitude you carry inside to be nothing short of astonishing.
         As a human, it’s your responsibility to love others. Not judge them. We walk this life together, continually finding a new part of ourselves we hadn’t grasped; losing our way and finding it again. I don't know where your road will take you, but one thing I know: the only ones among us who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to love.
         If I sincerely tell someone I believe in them, they have that assurance to lean on when they’re unsure if they can believe in themselves. Encourage those around you to try their very best and lift them to higher ground.
       As a human race, we face challenges together that take a world to solve. Sometimes the burden seems unbearable. Offer your hugs freely.  Your listening ear and quiet sustaining vote may be the answer to someone’s prayer. 
         When you have a friend, you have reason to believe you are good enough. When you are a friend, you give others a chance to believe in themselves.
         There is someone that will come into your life. They will need your help to get to where they’re going. If you’re not careful, you can miss your cue, and kill the chance. There is so much to live for, and so much to die for. Live for the moments you’re meant to experience.
Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.

         At this amazing time of year, as the holiday season approaches, let’s not forget to love. Be grateful for those who have made you better.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity; it can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, and a stranger to a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision of tomorrow.”
         Every moment you spend with someone takes a piece of their life, and gives them a piece of yours. The moment is precious. You can make it memorable, and worth the time, that changes you both forever, or it could be a moment that you regret for the rest of your life. There is so much you can do for others. Each person you meet is another opportunity to change the world.  Make sure that you’re on cue. Make sure that each moment is precious. You’ll make mistakes, but the messed up moment can be exchanged for a beautiful moment of apology.
         Content and contention have the same beginnings. Oppression and impression have a lasting effect. People change people. Negative things make a positive change in the person who knows how to love. Friends are a support system that last through the good and the bad.

Life As A Cake

A little boy is telling his Grandma how everything is going wrong — school, family problems, severe health problems, etc.
Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks the child if he would like a snack, which of course he does.
"Here. Have some cooking oil."
"Yuck," says the boy.
"How about a couple of raw eggs?"
"Gross, Grandma."
"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?"
"Grandma, those are all yucky!"
To which the Grandma replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

All the Places to Love.

Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.
And with time, things change on their own. Time changes places, feelings, thoughts, and people. People change places, they change style, and they change each other.  In all of the mess, the people, the places, the things, and the thoughts, good can be taken and given to and from it all. There are many settings in this world that can undergo such an impact. To one, some places may be seemingly insignificant. To another, the places may mean more than the rampant facade.

The crucible setting is not idealistic. In my mind, Salem is dismal. There is always contention in the air. Selfishness leaving a prevalent impression. Almost like a disease. One's own self being the first on the mind. The time was a rough one. The fear of the future, struggle for a new colony, and the discovering of right and wrong a constant reminder of the past and present circumstances. The battle of the individual fought far too often. The fight against brother and friend, fought with too much ferocity. The war for hope and faith left behind in a distant past. Salem is far from the idealized home town. 

Of all the settings to love, picture this: you wake up. You're extremely excited. It's already 5:15. How could you have slept so late? You almost leap out of bed, then tip-toe into the living room. Peaking around the corner, your heart stops for a split second. The ornaments on the ever green: luminescent. Glowing red, green, and gold. Making your own heart warm with anticipation. Santa has been there. There, under the tree, many presents. If only there is one with your name it. 
This is Christmas. An experience viewed from the eyes of a child. Christmas is magical. When you defiantly plod of to bed, the trunk of the tree can be easily seen. The stockings hang limp over the fireplace. When you wake up, the tree trunk is no longer bear, and the stockings too full to hang on the mantle.
I'm told that one person made Christmas even more magical. I'm told that Grandma Shirlene knew how to do Christmas. They say there were always carols, cards, and stories, complete with gingerbread houses. No, not gram crackers, but, real ginger bread. She made a whole town every Christmas she could. The presents were present. Christmas with Grandma Shirlene was something to be remembered. She focused on the part that mattered. The love in the air could always be felt. Especially at Christmas with Grandma.

Content and contention have the same beginnings. Oppression and impression a lasting effect. Places change people. Negative things make a positive change in the refugee that knows what not to want. You make the best out of your circumstances before they get the best out of you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Do you want to know what I've decided?

I've decided that somehow in the big scheme of things, my life matters. And, what I do with my life matters. No, I doesn't matter to everyone, but it will matter to someone. Maybe even a handful of someones. 

And you want to know what else?

I have a Heavenly Father who knows my whereabouts. What I'm feeling, thinking, doing and all the intentions of my heart. Righteous or otherwise.

And He cares. He cares about you, and me. And, I'm thankful. I'm thankful that He has a plan for my life. I'm thankful that He's the one in my driver's seat. I'm thankful that I'm not in charge. 

Catch the vision.
 You know where you are. And so does our Heavenly Father. He is watching out for you. He knows your potential. He knows what your feeling, thinking, and doing. He knows every intent of your heart. He knows where you can be, and what you can become.  

"In our customary Church vocabulary, we often speak of going to church, going to the temple. and going on a mission. Let me be so bold as to suggest that our rather routine emphasis on going misses the mark. The issue is not going to church; rather, the issue is worshiping and renewing covenants as we attend church. The issue is not going to or through the temple' rather , the issure is having in our hearts the spirit, the covenants, and the ordinances of the Lord' house. The issue is not going on a mission' rather, the issue is becoming a missionary and serving throughout the rest of our life with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength."
~David A. Bednar
D&C 4:2
Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Heart: Love unconditionally. Be positive
Might: Live the commandments. Be committed. 
Mind:  Actively engaged.
Strength: Perseverance with immense selflessness and love.
Working like everything depends on you, and praying like everything depends on God. 
He Loves you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Someone Special

       There are many things that could be considered special. But some things I can’t keep forever. But, I will remember them forever. My favorite thing is someone special. Also known as: a hero.
       Everyone has a hero. To me, a hero is someone I can always turn to, no matter what happens: someone so optimally sent to me that they have changed me for good. A hero has good standards and knows their priorities. They understand their potential, and the potential of those around them. There is a hero out there for all of us.
       Some people find heroes in a religious leader, in a family member, or in extraordinary people from the past. Many people have become heroes in my life.  My heroes have wandered into my life when I least expected them, but when most needed them. That’s how a hero works.
       As a part of the human race we each have a responsibility to help each other, to let each other know that we’ll be running the race together. Not to win, but to cross the finish line. To know the satisfaction of winning two races: the one you ran, and the one that you pushed, the one you cheered on.

“People come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return.”
       Someday I want to be a hero. I’ve been influenced by the best. Now, I’ll influence for the better.

My Hero Vs. a Crucible Villain

“A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around.”
Edgar Watson Howe

       Heroes, Villains; Good guys, Bad guys; Protagonists, antagonists; Optimists, Pessimists; Winners, Losers. To me, being a hero is selflessness at any level. Being willing to risk life or limb for a greater good. The bad guy is usually self centered, revengeful, and unhappy. But, most antagonists do have an admirable quality. Most are so full of anger and passion; that their motivation and drive is seemingly unconquerable. In the same light, Heroes have such a passion for life, for others and for their successes. Each has their place; it’s a matter of deciding your team.

       Abigail Williams is a prominent villain in the play, “The Crucible”. She manipulates everyone around her. Her motivations aren’t more complex than jealousy.  Abigail is driven by lust. She had a very hard past as an orphan. She is low on the social status of Salem.  She is shunned and scorned by respectable people.  Rumors were spread by some, about the child, many of which have pieces of truth in them. Abigail will find every opportunity to cast the opposition away from her direction. Thus, driven by her passions and full of indignation.

       My Great Aunt RaNon has become a newfound hero of mine. She was not much older than 60, and died about a week ago.  She was my Grandma Shirlene’s sister. My Grandma died 23 years ago. Both died from cancer. As her funeral approached, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t anticipate the outcome.
        As I arrived and saw my other great aunt and uncles, second cousins, cousins, and other close family members, I was surrounded by love. When the family was invited in for family prayer and closing the casket, I was near tears. I am not a crier, but, when I saw my older brothers’ eyes on the verge of a stream of tears, I melted. My own eyes wet my cheeks with an unexpected amount of salty drops.
       In the service, many people mentioned her undying belief that love conquers all. Even as she battled her own enemy, cancer, she knew that if she could do nothing else, she could smile.

       As she started to lose her memory, family members would come to see her. With a level head, she would tell them, “I may be forgetting many things, but I’ll never forget the people I love.” She knew her priorities.

        Aunt RaNon served anyone and everyone. There were over 1,500 people who were touched enough by her to attend her viewing. There was such an expansive group of people. Close family and friends, many of which didn’t share the same beliefs, but they were touched just the same.

       I have described two incredibly different people. Abigail Williams and RaNon Zabriskie do have something in common. They are passionate. When they believe something, they know it with all their hearts. And, they live it with every fiber of their being.
       They believe differently. Abigail is blamed for something and denies it and casts the blame elsewhere. RaNon would take the constructive criticism with a spoon full of sugar, learning and growing the whole time. For Abigail, life is all about her, making her comfortable, making herself “top dog”. Aunt RaNon made it to the top by making life about other people. Not about her; making the most of every breath, every moment, and every person. Abigail threatened others to gain power and to have the upper hand. She didn’t have one real friend. RaNon loved, and loved a lot.  She was loved immensely in return.

       Heroes and villains; Good guys and Bad guys; Protagonists and antagonists; Optimists and Pessimists; Winners and Losers. We have a choice. Being a hero is selfless, happy, exhilarating, and thrilling. Not only do you experience your own joy and happiness, but you also experience each and every blissful and exuberant moment that those you love experience. As a villain, you end up alone. The choice is ours. And it will make all the difference.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

That was Quite a Bite!

And, I just might be gagging on it. School just might kill me if the class syllabuses have an relevance as to what this school year holds.  So far, I've just been scared. Nothing has been too demanding. I've had, on average, only an hour of homework a day. But I've been so unmotivated, it's ridiculous.  I've left the piano unpracticed, rooms uncleaned, the good deed undone, and my mind unamended. I feel as though this week might have been a flop.

But, here is what went right. I read my scriptures every day this week. And passed of 26 Scripture Masteries. 
Here was my favorite insight for this week:

D&C 88:120

"That your incomings may be in the name of the Lord; that your outgoings may be in the name of the Lord; that all your salutations may be in the name of the Lord, with uplifed hands unto the Most High."

X Referenced to 2 Nephi 32:9

"But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform anything unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall  pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that He will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul."

If you've ever seen the movie "Forever Strong", Coach Gelwix admonishes his team to

"Never do anything to embarrass your family, yourself, or your team."  

That is so important. I won't cause my family to be embarrassed to call my theirs. I have a standard with myself. If I ever were to break that standard,  I couldn't respect myself.

To me, my team might be the most important. I am a part of a team. I'm apart of my Heavenly Father's team. As a representative of Him, I will never do anything to embarrass Him. I am His and refuse to change my standing. 
~Anna Lou

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sometimes, I sit and think. I sit by myself and have a self-assessment.
I say to myself, "Self? How do you feel about you?" 
The answer varies from time to time.
"Self? Who are you? What do you stand for?" 
I reply, "Isn't that why we have such conversations? To figure that out!?" 
And, well, yes that is why. 
Then I turn to me again and say, "What do you know?" 
"What do I know?" 
"Well, I know.... I know that I can influence people. And, maybe, that my life might mean something to someone." 
 "What will you do about that?"
"I could.... serve. Ya! Serve!"
"When? Where? How?"
"Well, always, everywhere, and through my talents."
"You do that, and you will be successful. In your eyes, in your family's eyes, and in your Father in Heaven's eyes."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dear Papa,

Dear Grandpa,

I love you SO much.

80 candles with 1 blow!
I love the way that you treat us grand kids.
I love the way you talk about my Grandma.

Layton, Jaiden, and Isaac
I love how I know that you love her, and that she is amazing.

Dane, Aunt Melissa. and Adam
I love how when you talk about her, you tear up.
I love that, even though I never knew her, I know so much about her.
Abby, Casen, Aunt Kristin, and Anna
I can tell a lot just by the way you remind me that "Grandma would've loved this."
Adam being.... Adam :)
I love how you tell me that you're proud of me and support me in my callings and many activities.
I love your cowboy stories that remind me of my inner cowgirl.
Isaac and Deb
I love how I know that I can turn to you for anything.
I love feeling your strong arms around me.
I love the smell of your cowboy-flannel shirts.
Birthday Boy
I love to hear your voice.
Aunt Kristin and Uncle Jay
I love the way you teach me the importance of so many different things just by your example.
Debbie :)
I love that I can feel your testimony.

Scott and Melissa Olsens
I love the way you share your testimony by example and by voice.
Milton and Becky Olsens
I love that you have so many stories that you share so willingly with all of us. Even if they're a little embarrassing.
Kelly and Briauna
I love your interaction with "the little ones".
Grandma Liisa and Selah
And how, even though they're small, they know they can trust you too.
Jill reading Sister Olsen's (Cami's) letter to you.
I love everything that you know and share with us.
Dane reading Elder Olsen's (Pete's) Letter to you
I love to watch you in the garden.
Kark/ Myle... ? :)
You really teach me how to work.

Uncle Scott and Jill
I love to see you sit in your lazy boy, or throne, and feel your strength of testimony.

Uncle Jay, Anna, and twin?

The man himself!

The cake!

That's one BIG breath!


Forever and Always

Feelin' the love!

I love you Grandpa. What a guy.